Friday, April 8, 2011

There Are Several Good Centers for Doing Tummy Tuck In Chicago

Our daughter Lhea aspires to be a model and wants to go for a tummy tuck. And since we wish her to be with us at the time of and after her operation we insisted that she does her tummy tuck in Chicago. We also wanted to know about the procedure in details, searching on the net here is what we got to know.

 The function of a tummy tuck is to tighten the abdominal skin and remove the large deposit of fat which does not respond to normal diet or exercise. Tummy tuck procedure is very much necessary for multi pregnancy women as their muscles as well as their skin of abdomen get stretched beyond repair. Patients who wish to gain weight or lose some should not try this procedure right away. You should consider all the options quite carefully with your doctor before you try to have your tummy replaced at the right condition.

 The most important thing to be aware of, is that all surgery carries uncertainly and risk in some form. Each year plenty of tummy tucks in Chicago are done successfully but risk is always there when it comes to surgery and obviously there are some complications that come with tummy tuck. There is always risk of getting infections and blood clots after the surgery so all the points should be considered carefully before you go for the surgery.
 A tummy tuck operation lasts for at least five hours starting from two hours as the whole thing depends upon the extent of the work to be done on each individual body. An hour or two is spent on partial tummy tucks. The first job of the surgeon is to cut open from hip bone to hip bone and then make a second slit to free the naval from the tissues.

 Next the surgeon removes the abdominal skin very meticulously so that the vertical muscle is exposed. These muscles are pulled closer together in order to tighten them, and they are stitched into the new position to provide a narrower waistline and a firmer abdominal wall. The extra skin is removed after the skin flap is stretched down the stomach. Then on your new skin a new hole is cut to fit the naval. Finally the slit is stitched and dressing is done and sometimes a tube is fixed to drain out the fluid which may build up in the surgical site.

 For the first few days following the tummy tuck surgery, your abdomen will be swollen and you're likely to be in a bit of pain or discomfort, which can be gradually controlled by medicine and which will slowly wane over time. After the operation everything depends how you react to the surgery so you may be released within a short time or kept in the hospital for a few days for observation.

 There are many hospitals and clinics for doing tummy tuck Chicago where the surgeries are performed by special surgeons.